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Work work work. 9:00 turned into 2:00 very quickly today. I ended up spending a large chunk of the day designing a site and slicing that one and a portion of another one, aside from all the time spent on the phone. My design skills have definitely improved in the last two and a half years (since I started this job). I quite liked the design I made today. It’s a simple one (and more simplified than I originally had it in order to make it into an easy-to-modify template), but it’s quite nice I think. It reminds me of a Hallmark card.

One of our clients had some big news, but I’m not really at liberty to discuss it.

After work Amanda and I went out to have dinner with Greg and Stephanie Zugrave, the couple whose wedding I shot about a month ago. Originally we were going to go over to their place for dinner, but Stephanie was beat. She works at Friends School and today they took all the kids to the beach. So instead (after a lot of everybody saying it didn’t much matter where we ate) we ended up going to Chili’s.

Chili’s still hasn’t updated their TVs. It’s the only place I know where you can go and still see 4:3 ratio televisions up on the walls.

We had a good time with Greg and Stephanie and sat at our table well after we all finished eating.

After dinner we came home and looked for something to watch on TV. Amanda looked at the HBO On Demand stuff and decided to watch Over the Hedge. Michael watched it with us. I fell asleep part of the way in, as I am wont to do when watching movies on Friday nights, but it was a cute flick. Predictable, a little schmaltzy and not really that good, but it was cute. There were a lot of big-name actors who lent their voices to the movie: Bruce Willis, Steve Carell, Thomas Haden Church, Nick Nolte, Wanda Sikes, Avril Lavigne (okay- a singer, not an actor), Gary Shandling (a surprising lead I thought), William Shatner and Eugene Levy, among others.

Anyway, Amanda went to bed after that. I, energized at least a little by my power nap, am up doing this.

Zach Dotsey