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Amanda wasn’t feeling well again this morning and decided to go to work late.  She ended up sleeping until about 10:30 or 11:00.

Milly didn’t go down for her nap until some time after 12:30 I think, but she was up again by about 3:30.  She was good all day though.  The only thing she really required of me was some help moving the chair with her booster seat on it to the office, for whatever reason she wanted to do that.

Milly also pointed out that it was raining today.  Then she saw a dogwood tree in bloom and sang “I like tree flowers (ike tee fowers)” to the tune of Yo Gabba Gabba’s I Like Flowers.  She also shouted, “L!” at Wheel of Fortune.  Unfortunately, there were no L’s in the puzzle, as I later found out.  I think that one was BIKINI STRING CHEESE (a Before and After puzzle).  She also shouted “Jeopardy” when that show came on, named a lot of animals in an animal picture book said good-bye to Ellen when that show was going off.

Ellen, I discovered, by the way, is the reason Duke lost like they did in the Sweet 16.  Apparently Arizona had sent Ellen a jersey and some shoes and asked her to root for them in their game.  Well, apparently whoever Ellen roots for in major games wins.  They didn’t win past that game like Ellen’s blessing is supposed to do for them, but they did play out of their minds against my Blue Devils.  It sucks, because the letter she read from them actually mentioned beating Duke.  (Obviously, Amanda’s about a week behind on her Ellen watching.)

I worked a bit on my side project website.  The design is pretty much done- I’m just working on content now.  I did that while watching some TV with Amanda.  I’ve got to say that The Event has turned into some pretty tense dramatic television.  I was actually a little pissed off when they destroyed the Washington Monument and surprised when they blew up a bus with some major characters on it.

Oh, good news.  If Bruce goes under the bed, the only way to get him out is to lift the mattress and box springs off the frame, which scares him into running out.  Milly wanted Bruce in her room while we were getting her ready for bed tonight, but he had gone under the bed.  When I lifted it to get him out I saw the missing cellophane and plastic bag that the ham biscuits had been against the headboard and out of my view when I looked under there yesterday.  It was actually kind of impressive in that he’d been able to get the biscuits of the their snug cellophane wraps without removing the from the plastic bag they were all in together.

Zach Dotsey