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I love it, and I mean this sincerely, when someone goes into detail about the time they’ve spent with Milly. Kirsten and Anna do it, Karen does it. Tonight, Cyra watched her and it made me smile to see Cyra smile so much when talking about the things she and Milly did tonight. She probably spent more than five minutes telling us about their night, and she even stopped herself a time or two when walking out the door to tell us more. It means a lot to me that people have such a good time watching my kid.

Milly didn’t go down for a nap until almost noon today, but she was good outside of spilling water on me while sitting in my lap.

I had a lunch meeting with Eric Boneske. I helped him with a couple of small items on his website and we talked a bit about this and that.

We’re minorly restructuring things at work again. More work for me. I really need to find an intern or something. Seriously, if you know someone who knows basic HTML and is looking for an internship, let me know.

It looked like it was going to be nice outside today, but it got overcast in the early afternoon, turned a little chilly and rained some, which hindered Amanda’s plans to take Milly to the park. They still went out for a bit though, they just didn’t get to play outside.

At small group tonight we discussed what to study next. For the next couple weeks we’re planning on doing a review of our group and a focus on prayer, then after that we’re planning on reading Crazy Love and doing a study on that.

Kim Ayars gave us some info on a pre-school right up the road from us at what I call The Church of the Holy Onion. Amanda and I have discussed putting Milly in a pre-school part-time to get her used to such structure and to get her more socialized. The price really isn’t too bad and it’s actually within walking distance from our house.

Amanda got a call from a friend of ours during small group and asked if she could call her back later. Amanda later said she wished she had taken a minute to talk to her then, because we found out later, when I called her husband back, that they were pregnant. It’s very exciting news because, like with me and Amanda, it took them a while. I don’t Wang to say who it is right now because I don’t know who all they’re telling yet, but we’re super excited for them.

I was looking through the movies available through streaming on Netflix and saw Zombieland, which I’ve wanted to see for a long time. (What’s with my fascination with zombies?) I was very excited to watch it, but apparently my Internet connection keeps slowing so that it has to buffer see few minutes. I’m sure the issue is my connection and not Netflix’s fault, but it’s getting pretty annoying.

Zach Dotsey