Cat Drawing

Milly had another good night last night, though it wasn’t as good as the night before.  She’d used the potty (then closed it and put it in her bed for some reason), but she had also gone in her pullup.  Not wanting her effort to be for nothing, I offered her a choice between a […]

A Different Monday

Welcome to October. Milly and I had other-than-usual Mondays today, and it started as soon as she woke up around 8:15 or so.  I heard her get up and opened the door before she had a chance to knock, and the first thing out of her mouth was, “Daddy, I pooped and pee peed in […]

New Photobook

Check out the photobook Amanda just made and ordered via Shutterfly. Click here to view this photo book larger Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at

Money and Pancakes

Money and Pancakes

I really enjoyed the end of my working day.  I drove out to a client’s place to business to collect a nice check for a site that went live today and deposited that while driving my very own loaner 2010 GMC Terrain with my iPhone hooked into it.  (The thing has a nice sound system.) […]

Ayden’s Second Birthday Party

Ayden’s Second Birthday Party

Woke up around 9:00, Milly woke a little after that. We went to Mayfaire to get some Mother’s Day presents.  There were some kids there who were drawing on the sidewalks.  Four pictures.  Not sure of the purpose but it seemed to be some sort of contest for school. Went to Ayden Hauenstein’s second birthday […]