What We’ve Been Up to Since Moving

What We’ve Been Up to Since Moving

Today marks four weeks in our new house, though it hasn’t technically been a month yet. One of these days I might get around to finishing my post about our move. The last few weeks in brief though… Milly stayed here for the last almost two weeks of school. Her mom sold their house, but didn’t […]

Here Comes Griffin!

Here Comes Griffin!

Editor’s note: I had promised to write this right after the previous post, but alas, even while this page has remained open in my web browser, three weeks have passed. Three very busy weeks. Last night, a Tuesday night, Tristen went to Target with Torrie and the boys. When she got back and was feeding […]

Eight Months of Twinning

Eight Months of Twinning

Fawkes and Phoenix have been with us for eight months now. Normally on these birthday posts I devote a bunch of time to writing about what the boys are doing these days, but I covered a lot of it a few days ago. I could add, though, that Phoenix is continuing to get better at holding […]

PC3 Daddy-Daughter Dance 2018

PC3 Daddy-Daughter Dance 2018

Amanda texted me last weekend to tell me that Port City Community Church was having a Daddy-Daughter Dance. It would be the following Friday (today), which was a weekend Milly would be with Amanda, but she would be cool with letting me take her to it. I thought that was really cool of her. So […]

Growing Families: An IVF Story

Growing Families: An IVF Story

WECT TV6-WECT.com:News, weather & sports Wilmington, NC Tristen and I were interviewed recently about having undergone invitro fertilization by WECT, a local news station. We were pretty excited about seeing what they were able to do with our interview and really enjoyed watching it.