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Even Though I Know the Outcome

Even Though I Know the Outcome

I’m watching Duke play Colorado State right now. It’s been over for two and a half hours now and I know how it ends (with a 23 point win), but I feel the need to watch it anyway. I like to actually see how my boys play.  I’d probably be close to done with it […]

Milly’s Morning Make Believe

Milly’s Morning Make Believe

The first thing Milly wanted to do today was play in her room, so we played in her room.  Milly had Rapunzel and gave me Belle and told me they were going for a walk.  They walked “outside” to her big box to buy some doughnuts, then they went to the zoo.  After that they […]

Milly and the Duke Flag

Milly and the Duke Flag

When Amanda got Milly up from her nap this afternoon she put her in a Duke shirt.  I was wearing mine as well, and Amanda mentioned putting up the seasonal Duke flag.  Since basketball season has technically started, that is, teams are allowed to practice now and the games start pretty soon, I figured, “Why […]

Friends and the News

Friends and the News

Sometimes you can tell when not a whole lot happened around me in a particular day by looking at the picture associated with a post.  Today, for example, we have a picture of Hugh Laurie’s Dr. Gregory House in prison.  Why?  Well, Amanda and I watched the season premiere of House in which he is in […]

Don’t Ever!

Don’t Ever!

Amanda was putting a diaper on Milly this evening and Milly was holding Press Frog (one of her first favorite toys that she rediscovered earlier today).  Amanda called me into the room because Milly was saying something and she couldn’t figure out what it was at first.  She would squeeze Press Frog so it would […]