Grimm 50/50
Around 3:00 today Amanda came to the office and asked what I thought about going to see a 5:00 movie. I said that sounded good so she started calling around to see who could watch Milly. Our choices were limited because Milly’s still getting over a cold, so we didn’t want to put her with […]
Inception Outback
The title would have sounded more clever had I separated Outback into two words; then it would sound like there was an inception out back, like in the backyard. But really I’m just describing the date night Amanda and I had. I had asked Karen last night how long she was staying, thinking she might […]
Kick-Ass with Adam
My brother mentioned wanting to go see the movie Kick-Ass the other day, and after church today he texted me the movie times, so we met up this afternoon and went to see it. We both really liked it. I had read the comic it was based on and Adam had read the first few […]
Scott’s back from vacation today- yay! There was still a lot of work anyway, part of it being the need to catch him up on things. Today is TDK Day, so I went and picked up tickets for the 8:30 show of Batman: The Dark Knight (TDK, got it>?) today. Six of them. They were […]
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