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A Millelope Afternoon

A Millelope Afternoon

Yesterday, Milly told me that she wanted to see her old friend Penelope, as opposed to her new friend Penelope that she met at school.  Funny enough, Matt and I had been talking about getting the girls together this week, but I told him I was too swamped to be able to come and do […]

Milly’s First Banana Split

Milly’s First Banana Split

I spent almost the entire day updating a website for a client.  It’s not 100% finished, but I’m pretty happy with where it is and where it’s going.  It’s almost there. Amanda found a pretty fat tick just under Harvey’s eye today.  Both of us grew up in the woods and are used to ticks, […]

#1 Duke

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it yet, but Nextwave has had a lot to do lately.  I’ve got two websites I’m trying to finish before the end of the year.  I’ve got a rough draft for a book cover I’m working on for someone, then I’ve got to look into updating their homepage and […]

New Study

Slept downstairs last night so my coughing wouldn’t bother Amanda.  I’m almost totally over my cold, but the cough just won’t go away. Amanda and Milly came downstairs some time after 7:00 this morning.  Amanda said Milly had been crying and screaming about needing medicine and realized she was doing it in her sleep.  Amanda […]

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man

Mom brought Milly in a little after 8:00 this morning and she hung out with Adam, who slept in the top bunk in the room we usually sleep in, which was originally Erin and Andra’s room but I think became Adam’s room at some point after I went to college.  I shared it with him […]