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Walt Shot Jesse

Walt Shot Jesse

That’s a total untruth. Amanda’s brother, Michael, texted me yesterday that he couldn’t wait for us to get caught up on Breaking Bad, so I texted him tonight that I couldn’t believe Walt shot Jesse.  Long story short, I convinced him that I had seen an episode newer than the one that aired Sunday night and […]

Scissors Hello

Scissors Hello

I added a new Sim to the game that has mostly been played by Milly today while she was taking a nap.  We spent some time blowing bubbles and riding on her scooter out front this morning (well, she rode it; I’m too big for it), so I named it Scooter Bubbles.  She deleted it, […]



Amanda and I made Milly about $3000 in her Sims game.  She was playing it this morning while sitting in the papasan in the office.  I practically turned around and she was down to $20.  This time she didn’t spend it on a whole bunch of extra toilets, but lighting.  This evening she decided she […]

Dresses Done

Dresses Done

Amanda has finally ordered a bridesmaid dress for Hannah’s wedding.  I feel like I’ve heard about nothing but over the past week or so, so huzzah!  The dress shown, by the way, is not the dress she ordered, but rather one she bought today then asked Hannah if it would work.  Amanda thought it might […]

Milly’s Return

Milly’s Return

I got up this morning and don’t know how long it was before I spoke a word.  Normally it’s not long, because Milly tends to be up or get up around the same time as I do, but since she stayed in Richlands last night, that wasn’t the case today. Instead I went downstairs and […]