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Super Bowl XVLIII

Super Bowl XVLIII

I’ve been bad, I know. I think the last few times I’ve written in here consistently that’s what I’ve said. Too much time has gone by at this point and I haven’t made many notes or summaries like I usually do, so I’ll just sum up the last little bit. Let’s start with today. The […]

Fire at the Masons’

I worked on my site for most of the day.  Amanda went out to help Michael with something, so I was left with Milly for part of the afternoon.  That was cool until she saw Kenzie and Kimber outside and wanted to go play with them.  I had the idea of moving work to my […]

The Mental Game of Disc Golf

While I was at a meeting today Amanda texted me and told me she and Milly were going to Brilliant Sky.  Milly had a little bit of birthday money to spend and wanted to get a thing or two that she had not received from her birthday bin at Brilliant Sky. A little before I […]

35th Birthday Party

Good bit of work early.  Meeting (no-show, second this week), dropped off one data CD and picked up another, phone meeting that I took while in Port City Java.  Michael wrote bad things about Duke on the steamer cup I had.  Saw Anna and waved to her, but I was on the phone at the […]

Working Out with Kevin

Yesterday, Kevin Millard invited me to try out a workout that he was going to check out himself this morning.  It’s a company with a mobile gym that sets up on different mornings at different parks and does various intense workouts.  I might him at his house this morning and he, his brother-in-law Daniel, and […]