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Dancing and Fashion Shows

Dancing and Fashion Shows

Milly’s dance school, A Leap Above, had a showing at Riverfest downtown today.  This was her second year of doing it.  Before we went though, we had to stop by Target to buy her some shorts.  She needed jean short or black shorts, and we didn’t have any of either that fit her.  Technically, we […]

No, it’s Jiffy

It turns out that Prince Eric’s name was Jiffy.  His owner, or former owner, because he had recently been given to a new owner and he escaped his first day with her, picked him up.  Amanda and I didn’t get to see him off because she came while we were at the leaders meeting at […]

Breakfast Dinner with Johnsons and Warkentiens

Nick, Amy, Eli, Reece, Stephanie and Jacob all came over for a breakfast dinner of eggs, biscuits, sausage and muffins tonight.  After we ate we watched the kids play and after they went to bed we all played Puerto Rico.  Nick and Amy both tried a new strategy that focused mainly on just collecting victory […]

Angry Sea

The place on my arm where I got my jellyfish sting is all red and swollen.  My shin, where I got my other sting, looks fine, it’s the one that’s more itchy and bothersome now. There was a lot of little stuff keeping me busy at work today.  I planned to go to a client’s […]

Nick and Amy Warkentien are Having a Baby

Work was okay today.  I had plenty to do but it wasn’t overwhelming. Peggy and Earl Lemons, Amanda’s grandparents, invited us out to lunch at the mall, as is their custom when they’re in town, usually to visit one doctor or another.  It was practically a family reunion today.  It was Peggy and Earl, me […]