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Amanda took the day off and we spent most of it cleaning some more.  It’s amazing how much there always is to clean.  We bathed Bruce and Harvey too, which is always fun.  Bruce isn’t so bad- he’s small and doesn’t generally mind going into the bathroom.  His hair is short, too, so he rinses and dries quickly.  Harvey though, he’ll approach the bathroom, but if you’re in there and you glance at him he’ll hang his head and back away.  I had to pick up him in the office and carry him to the bathtub.  Fortunately, he hasn’t figured out that he could easily bust through the shower curtains.  (Please don’t let him know.)  He’s also got that long hair, so it takes a while to get all the shampoo out and to dry him.  Amanda blow dries him, in fact.  That’s something he doesn’t mind, although Bruce doesn’t like the noise.  They’re such opposites, our boys.

Adam and Renee came over right around 3:00.  I thought they were going to be late, but luck was with them and they made good time.  They followed us to church and we got there right at twenty after.  Since there were only two services at PC3 today, one at 4:00 and the other at 6:00, I knew it was going to be crowded and sure enough it filled up fast.  By about twenty til four they had to shut off the main auditorium and start filling up the other auditoriums.

One thing I thought was funny was when we first walked into the auditorium Adam looked around and remarked that given the number of cars outside he thought it would be larger.  I said not a word but merely pointed over my shoulder to the balcony, to which he replied, “Oh.”

The service was nice.  I’ve seen candlelight services before, of course, but I was pretty touched by this one.  Mike Ashcraft, the preacher, did a nice job of explaining the symbolism of it, and seeing the light spread from the front to the back and all the way up in the balconies was just moving.

After church Adam and Renee went to our house to wait for my parents and Erin to show up while Amanda and I ran off to Beulaville to have dinner and presents with Amanda’s mom’s side of the family.  We got to Amanda’s grandparents’ house at exactly 6:00 and beat Amanda’s dad plus the Frazelle crew there.

We ate then opened presents.  Anna had bought me a nice leather jacket from Express many many months ago and had fretted over it fitting me because it had been on clearance and if it didn’t fit me she wouldn’t be able to take it back.  It fit very nicely though, and, if I may say so, looks pretty good on me.  I also got some pants and pajama bottoms from Peggy and Earl.

We hung out a bit and got home around 9:30, 9:45.  My family, sans Andra and her crew, were there talking about old times and such.  Erin recounted a story from her trip down with Mom and Dad.  Erin had been very chatty, and at one point Mom told Erin to turn the light in the car on.  Erin complied, not questioning why she was being told to turn the light on.  Our mom then told her to open her book and read.  From what I can tell she didn’t say it with any malice, just very matter-of-factly.  We all thought it was pretty funny.

Adam and Renee eventually took off and we slowly drifted off to bed.  I stayed up and talked to Erin for a bit, which I enjoyed.

Zach Dotsey