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This seems to have been a long week for a lot of people.  I’ve had a couple more stressful-than-normal days myself, so I was glad to see the work week come to an end.  Amanda hasn’t slept well the past few nights, so we celebrated the start of the weekend by doing nothing, and she went to bed at 9:00.

I thought about making dinner tonight.  In fact, I was going to surprise Amanda with it, but knowing that she’s pregnant and she may or may not feel like having anything, I called her at work to see if she was up for a meal tonight and she wasn’t.  I’ve made dinner probably fewer times than you can count on one hand since we’ve been married, so at least I offered.  That counts some, right?

Aside from that I ran to the grocery store to get some things for Amanda to make some diabetes-friendly cheesecake for her mom’s birthday, which we’re celebrating tomorrow in Richlands.  We thought about leaving tonight so we could eat breakfast at Amanda’s grandparents’ house with her Aunts Joanne and Patsy, but Michael’s riding along with us and he had plans for the night, so we’re just leaving tomorrow like we originally planned.

So, as tired as I was feeling about my week, I’m really getting psyched about my trip to Costa Rica.  I’ve been Googling pictures and info about Nosara and today I was looking at the website for the hotel we’re staying at: Casa Romantica.  I am really, really looking forward to the trip.


That’s about it.  After Amanda went to bed I watched a couple episodes of Wolverine and the X-Men.  Yes, I know I’m turning 31 in less than two weeks.  I saw some commercials or ads for the show and decided to look it up.  Last night I watched the ones that are on an On Demand station and decided to set the DVR to catch the ones I hadn’t seen yet.  It’s not a groundbreaking show or anything, but I’ve always liked the X-Men so I couldn’t really pass up at least checking out a new cartoon of them.  I guess that’s one area where having a boy would have been nice- I could watch comic book cartoons without feeling quite as nerdy as I do watching them now.

Zach Dotsey