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I took the late Milly shift last night.

Working today, I had a lot of calls to handle today, but I eventually got to accomplish some of the things I wanted to get accomplished today.

Amanda, Karen and Milly went to the Ken’s Bagels by the mall for breakfast today. Amanda called me when they were on their way back to tell me about a lady there who talked too much.  Karen’s a big talker herself, but this woman was even annoying her.  Amanda said she and her mom hardly got to talk to each other because the woman was talking so much.  Amanda finally flat out stopped even looking at the woman and pretended to tend to Milly or something.  Apparently the talking lady is there pretty often.

They were going to go back out to have lunch with Michael at Atlanta Bread (or was it Panera?), but Amanda ended up feeling sick and just dropped Karen off and came home.  A side effect of her boob infection (sorry, mastitis) can be feeling sick.

We planned to go to a Wilmington Sharks baseball game for small group, where Joel was able to ge a bunch of tickets through his work, but we ended up staying home since Amanda was feeling poorly.

We did have some company though.  Amanda’s grandparents, Peggy and Earl Lemons, stopped by.  Karen and Earl went out to get some BBQ from Jackson’s Bar-B-Que and Michael came by to join us all.  After everyone left I bathed Milly and Amanda went to bed.

Oh, Amanda’s dad, Phil Mercer, called tonight.  He was out fly fishing with some friends and caught a big one.  He ended up hooking himself in the cheek!  They were having a good time so they cut the line and kept right on fishing for about an hour.  They were going to try to cut the hook, too, but Amanda urged her father to go to the hospital, where the nurses teased him and some guy leaned in to take a real close look at his face and said, “Ouch.”

Zach Dotsey