Since we’ll be leaving soon and I was pretty caught up with work, I thought I’d play a little Assassin’s Creed 3. Before I could start though, I heard a weird noise. I listened and heard it again and it hit me that it was Milly. She was SHRIEKING. I’d never heard her make a sound like that before. I ran upstairs and almost ran into Amanda outside Milly’s room. I called her name but it kind of caught in my throat in a way I can only remember doing when waking up from a nightmare.

It turned out that’s what was going on with her. I threw on the lights and we had to call her name and shake her and convince her she was having a nightmare. I’m not sure of the details, but there was a large bee buzzing around and a large spider. She thought they were there in her bed at first.

We held her for a while. I told Amanda to go back to bed and I stayed with Milly until she went to sleep then went back downstairs. She cried out almost immediately, so I went back up. That happened one or two more times, the last of which I was just trying to turn off lights and the tv downstairs.

I ended up getting a blanket and pillow and sleeping on the floor next to Milly’s bed. At some point she got her sleeping bag and got down on the floor next to me. Around 7 she woke up and told me it was light outside and I could go now. She basically dismissed me, but less than half an hour later she was ready to get up. Not the best night of sleep for me.

We told Milly a while back that we’d take her to see Monsters University. It came out today so Amanda had the idea to take her. We ate at Brixx beforehand and got a kid box of popcorn, a drink and some gummies. It was sort of a continuation of her birthday. We’d have taken her last week, but obviously it wasn’t out yet.

We went to bring Eli along, but he had no intention of leaving his house for whatever reason.

It was really fun watching the movie with Milly. She’s at the age where she gets it. Plus there was this energy in the theater of having a hundred young kids all excited to see something.

After we got home I did some work, but after that Amanda, Milly and I sat on the porch. Milly had us make believe that we were on a space ship. She kept going out to fight “snooks”, which I think is a word she got from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Some time ago I watched the miniseries Pillars of the Earth. I ended up watching the entire series in one night. Tonight I decided to watch the follow up miniseries World Without End, and again I think I’ll end up watching the entire series. It’s very likely a stupid decision on my part, since I’ll definitely need a nap tomorrow. I dozed off once or twice (and backed it up), which means I’ve now got enough to make it through, I do believe.

I can’t believe Amanda and I will be in Europe in just a few days.

Zach Dotsey