What’s the  best way to spend your tenth anniversary?  If you’re the Warkentiens, it’s with the Dotseys!  (If you think that’s a shame, don’t worry; we’ve got the kids Saturday so they can go out and celebrate.)

Amy dropped the kiddos off at a little after 5:00 and took off with Amanda to go to the Wine Sampler, though they didn’t end up doing that.  They got a stuffed pizza from Papa Murphy’s.  It had more stuff than Amanda and I generally like to eat, but we’re trying to be a little more adventurous with our food, and while I did pick out a few larger chunks of peppers and tomatoes, it was really good.

little rock bandWhile the girls were gone Milly, Eli and Ada played upstairs while I did some work on the MacBook in the kitchen.  Eli didn’t want to stick around at first, but he was convinced that he’d left a Cars car here, so I told him he should go look in Milly’s room for it.  It never did turn up, but he got distracted and started playing after a few minutes up there.  Milly entertained herself trying to help Ada put a princess dress on.  They spent some time playing instruments while Milly made up songs.

The name of the car Eli was looking for was Shu Todoroki (yes, I Googled it), and I jumped into the room in a samurai squat stance a few times yelling the name, which the kids thought was hilarious.

I was eventually joined by adults, including Nick.  Milly ended up in the corner once again because she didn’t want to eat the pizza because it had extra stuff on it.  Like the chicken pot pie that earned her some corner time the other night,  she ended up liking it.

Amanda bought a ball of mozzarella a few nights ago and decided to pick up some prosciutto to go with it tonight.  It still wasn’t as good as what we had in Rome, but it was probably the best of any that we’ve had since trying to replicate it upon coming home.

Every time the Warkentiens spend the night we start out with Milly and Eli in her room when we put them down to bed, Milly in her bed, Eli in the cardboard house.  It usually lasts about five minutes before Eli decides he wants to come downstairs and sleep in the guest room.  Eli made it through the night tonight, which was a first!

We planned on playing a game, either Game of Thrones or Ticket to Ride, after the kids went down.  Nick and Amy wanted to see our Eurotrip pictures though, and it took a while to get through those.  (We looked at them on Flickr through the computer hooked up to the TV.)  After that it was pretty late and we decided to go sit on the porch, which is becoming a favorite thing to do when we have company over.

We talked about a lot of things.  One subject, based on the similarity of attitudes that Nick and Amanda have versus those held by me and Amy on some subjects led me to look up astrological compatibility.  On a four-heart rating, here’s how we all fared:

  • Nick and Amy: 2
  • Nick and Amanda: 3
  • Zach and Amanda: 3
  • Zach and Amy: 1

I guess despite our similar ideas and opinions, Amy and I, according to the stars, wouldn’t be that great together.  I guess I’m going to have to keep an eye on Nick though.

They stayed over for quite a while.  That’s one thing- sitting outside in the dark makes the time pass really fast.  It was straight off to bed once they got the kiddos and took off.

So, happy tenth anniversary, Nick and Amy.  Thanks for spending it with us.

Zach Dotsey