One of the few things Tristen had asked for for her birthday was to see the new Star Wars movie. We wanted to take Milly, too, and I wanted to see it sooner than later because I was getting tired of avoiding spoilers. So we ordered tickets the other day for a showing of it this afternoon. We were able to get a matinee, but it was a 3D show, so I don’t think we really saved any money.

Just a year ago when we were in Florida we had gone to see another Star Wars movie, Rogue One. I had joked that we should go back to Orlando to see all our Star Wars movies. Anyway, I suppose as long as they’re releasing one around Christmas every year, it’ll become a bit of a tradition.

A lot of people had complaints about the movie, mainly in the way Luke Skywalker acted. I won’t say a whole lot about the movie itself, but we all liked it, and I thought it had one of the best lightsaber fights of any of the movies. I also thought they did a good job of exploring the relationship between characters. There was a lot in this movie that wasn’t so rote, and I enjoyed that.

Milly had also been invited to her friend Marley’s birthday party, so we headed over to Bounce (formerly Monkey Joe’s) for that. We missed about half of it, and it wasn’t a big party, what with school having finished up for Christmas break that very day and lots of people heading out of town or having other holiday-related plans. Milly had a good time for the hour-and-change we were there though.

Tristen had done some sugar tests and her blood sugar was high, so she had to be careful of what she ate. She passed on the pizza and cake and walked to the grocery store in the same shopping center for a salad.