Work was a a little busy, particularly in the morning.  I’m still a little surprised how busy we’re staying considering all the doom and gloom about the economy.  Over the past few weeks we’ve had a few people cut back on services, but we’ve also had people expand on some and we’ve gotten a few full new websites and major updates in the works.

My mom called to say that she had sent my birth certificate and other such documents that I’ll need to get my passport so I can go to Costa Rica.  I called the post office to see what I need to do about having lost my old passport, but they never called back.

Amanda and I caught up on some TV tonight.  We were going to watch our usual Monday night lineup, but President Obama had a news conference that trumped everything in the 8:00 hour.  Amanda and I watched a little of it and got giggly over it because we couldn’t help but think of what a good impersonation Fred Armisen of Saturday Night Live does of our current president.

I convinced Amanda to stay up and watch Heroes.  I’m enjoying the whole on the run from the government thing they’ve got going on.  The last couple episodes have felt like season finales.

Zach Dotsey