I was up early, but this morning there was an actual reason for it, as I was running a camera at church.  I think it all went well.  One of the things I really enjoy about doing that is being able to talk to people I don’t see very often.  Case in point, I got to talk to Mike Ashcraft about surfing and Nosara then after that I talked to David Pray about parenting, specifically regarding a father and daughter.

In between the two services for which I ran the camera, I ran home and picked up my girls.  We saw the Nowaks as we were dropping Milly off at Grow Zone and sat with them.  Well, I sat with them and Amanda during the message part, since I was on stage during the music part.

Since we were well off Milly’s normal schedule, we didn’t go to Atlanta Bread.  She was upset in the car, so I sat in the back with her while Amanda drove.  Milly was very interested in my wedding ring, so I let her play with that.  She spent a lot of time putting it on one of my fingers, then the next.  I don’t know what it was exactly, but something struck me as being really cool about the way she’d grab one of my fingers with her hand to move it or hold it in a position then put the ring on it.  I guess the fact that she’s able to manipulate things with thought-out dexterity showed me how much she’s grown.  I remember when Amanda and I were amazed that she could put a pacifier in her mouth, even if it was backwards!

When we got home Milly had a nice, long nap.  Amanda went out to do some running around while she was out.  I considered taking a nap, but I actually wasn’t feeling it like I do most Sundays when I volunteer, so I just played some Assassin’s Creed.

Amanda and I watched some shows throughout the afternoon.  Milly was very sweet when she got up and laughed a lot.  She even, at random, would start to count or to say her ABC’s.  Granted, she only got to two or B, but still.

I think Milly might be hitting a growth spurt.  Amanda picked up some yogurt (go-gie) for her while she was out earlier and Milly ate three out of four of the containers of it plus a muffin top in about an hour.

In sports news, Carolina lost to Georgia Tech tonight.  Actually, they didn’t just lose… it was 78-58, and this to a Yellow Jackets team that had a losing record coming into this game.  That was a nice surprise.

Around the basketball game, Amanda and I watched the Golden Globes.  I don’t care too much about awards shows, but one thing really struck me, and it was this: Natalie Portman was very awkward.

Hey, I love Natalie Portman as much as the next guy, but her acceptance speech, in which she thanked her grandma, her parents and then the father of the child growing in her belly, at which point she talked about how he likes to have sex with her and followed that up with a weird laugh, well, it was just… awkward, as I said.

Zach Dotsey