Harvey got to sleep in the bed with Amanda until I put him up when I went to bed.
Work not as tough today.
Smooshie II was eviscerated and disemboweled by Harvey, who has been on a tear to not just chew on, but tear apart as many stuffed animals as he can. Smooshie II is/was a small squirrel-looking sqeaky toy with a bushy tail. Amanda ran over Smooshie I (this was when we were living in Sunset Park I believe), and Bruce played with him quite a bit at the time, so we acquired Smooshie II. Most of Bruce’s toys have names.
Beef stew dinner and tv were the evening’s events.
I learned some new Photoshop painting techniques.
Evel Knievel died today. He was one crazy bastard, and I don’t mean just for his stunts. He once took a bat to a man in public for writing a book about him that he didn’t like. He was an unhinged good ol’ boy, and I mean that in an almost admiring way.
Zach Dotsey