Two years ago today, the most beautiful woman I know, who somehow happened to be a perfect match for me, listened to me bumble through some words I tried to memorize. (Thankfully, I wrote a cheat sheet on my hands.) Then she said some words that made everyone cry. I put a ring on her finger and she put our officiant’s ring on my finger (because I hadn’t brought mine and he was also one of our best friends) and then we were married. I love you more every day, my heart, my mirror. It’s been two years, but it feels like we’ve been together for a lifetime. (In a good way, obviously.) I look forward to our impending twin-parenting adventure and the all the other adventures that lie ahead.

Two years ago today, the most beautiful woman I know, who somehow happened to be a perfect match for me, listened to me bumble through some words I tried to memorize. (Thankfully, I wrote a cheat sheet on my hands.) Then she said some words that made everyone cry. I put a ring on her finger and she put our officiant’s ring on my finger (because I hadn’t brought mine and he was also one of our best friends) and then we were married. I love you more every day, my heart, my mirror. It’s been two years, but it feels like we’ve been together for a lifetime. (In a good way, obviously.) I look forward to our impending twin-parenting adventure and the all the other adventures that lie ahead.