#WrightsvilleBeach flotilla! #Meliamae
I’ve got a little less hair. #haircut
Farewell, Cobb
Amanda texted yesterday to tell me that Cobb wasn’t doing well. Cobb, short for Mr. Cobblepott, was a cat we adopted when we first moved to Wilmington. He was actually living under the house we rented, having been left there by the previous occupant. Sometimes we’d hear him under there and we started leaving food […]
Anybody want to come buy some stuff? #yardsale
Thor: Ragnarok
Not that anyone needs to hear more endorsements, especially since it’s been out for a while, but Thor: Ragnarok is a really fun movie and definitely the best of the series. I went to see it today, after planning to go see it since it came out a couple weeks ago. Justice League is about to come […]
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