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I got caught up pretty well at work today. We had a lot of requests for WebDAV hosting accounts towards the end of the day. I didn’t really take much of a lunch at all. That’ll probably happen a lot more with Amanda not coming home to have lunch with me every day, or at least coming by and heading out to Andy’s or Manhattan Bagel. Kind of a shame; it was nice having lunch together.

After work we did a lot of cleaning. Well, picking up mostly, and moving unpacked boxes to the back bedroom, which, as it now turns out, will more likely be Michael’s room if he moves in. The bed we have in the Green Room is too big for the other room, especially if you include the matching furniture, and someone (I don’t know that this actually came from my brother-in-law’s lips or not) doesn’t think it’s suited to him. So if/when he moves in, they’re bringing an iron bed from the Mercer household for that room.

Anna and Barry came over with Kirsten around 7:00. They brought bread, meat and cheese and we all ate subs and cheddar Sunchips out on the back patio, washing it down with some pink lemonade Amanda had picked up and desserting on some perfectly-baked chocolate chip cookies. They were a little cripsy on the edges and a little gooey in the middles.

They hung out for a little while and went through our DVD collection to borrow some. I got Barry interested in Kill Bill and 28 Days Later. Barry kept saying he was going to show 28 Days Later to their oldest daughter, Hannah. She’s absudly afraid of scary things in movies, going so far as running off to the bathroom when the alien steps out on the home video footage in Signs. I’d love to see her watch 28 Days Later.

They also took Road to Perdition and John Q.

After they left, Amanda and I watched Lost (which was really good), Law & Order: SVU and House. I dozed for a minute or two of House, although it was a good episode. The little rest charged me back up pretty good though, so here I am typing away.

Tomorrow I plan on raking up the yard. I’d mow, but we don’t have a mower yet; Karen and Phil have two and are bringing one to us. For now, I think I’ll stay up way too late playing from Rome.