We woke up today and showered and went to Cracker Barrel. I think we got there a little earlier than usual because there was actually a line to put your name down. While waiting to be seated the last couple times we were there, Amanda and I had started checkers games, but we have yet to finish one. Our name gets called just as it’s about to get really interesting each time.
After breakfast we went to Wal-Mart to get a few things then we stopped by Target to get some shades for the doors in the kitchen. They have a bad habit of creating a large glare on the TV. Unfortunately we’d forgotten to measure anything, so we planned to come back tomorrow. While we were there though we picked up a few kitchen supplies (a large pan, a small spatula and a new teapot- the old one had a huge messed up spot on it from where Amanda’s mom, Karen Mercer, dropped it or something). We also picked up Flags of Our Fathers, which I proceeded, on the way home, to invite Adam and Renee over to watch with us.
In the meantime I took some time to sort out a bunch of comic books that were lying about my office. I just hadn’t sorted them or put them up in a long, long time. I got them all bagged and taped up then started to sort them out. Amanda came up after a while to help me with that. She really enjoyed it. We were almost done when Adam and Renee got here.
Michael called from the Mercer house in Richlands to see if I wanted to go to the UNCW basketball game tonight, but I told him we’d already made plans. He said he was probably going to stick around the house and do the same thing we were- Karen and Phil had rented Flags of Our Fathers, too.
Amanda ran out to get a pizza (my brother and his girlfriend had just eaten, so they didn’t want any) while the rest of us flipped around the tellie, landing eventually on Star Wars Episode III. We watched a little of that then put in Flags of Our Fathers.
Amanda thought you didn’t get to know some of the characters well enough, but I have a soft spot for war movies, so I really liked it. Don’t get me wrong- Amanda liked it, she just didn’t think it was all that great. We now have to see the companion film, Letters From Iwo Jima.
Zach Dotsey