Happy birthday, Mom! I tried calling my mom to wish her a happy birthday this evening. I called her cell, the house and finally got through on my dad’s phone. She thought I had forgotten since I got through on my dad’s phone, but I told her how I’d tried every single other number.

Other than that, work was pretty busy. I’m trying to get a few project scopes out to get some more design projects going. Other than that, Amanda went to Richlands tonight to go see a production of Annie with her mom. She had to leave directly from work in order to get there in time, so I didn’t get to see her after she left work.

Michael and I, left all alone at the house, grabbed some dinner at Applebee’s. Adam and Renee came by and watched the final two episodes of Rome, which I still had on the DVR especially for him. After that we all sat around and hung out and watched some more TV. Michael took a break from Gears of War to watch some of South Park with us. I showed Adam and Renee Planet Earth, one about forests. Amazing as always.

Something came from the tax office a few weeks ago concerning Renee’s car, so we made an exchange.  I gave her the bill and she let me borrow the most recent Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the half-Blood Prince.  It’s probably been out over a year already, I just hadn’t gotten around to reading it yet.

Zach Dotsey