Work really has just been nuts these past few days.

I picked up my paycheck today.  Financially we seem to be straightening out again.  That is, we’ve got a comfortable amount of money in the bank after the bills are paid.  That’s nice.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it or not, but our sound system came with an iPod dock, which works perfectly well with my iPhone.  After I finished work I put on some Cake and started picking up a little.  It was kind of nice, just having music playing, cleaning up a little here and there. Amanda came home and laid out some chips and salsa and heated up some corn as a side to tonight’s small group dinner.

I think I mentioned that Amanda had Lorin trim her hair a few weeks ago.  Recently Amanda cut her bangs a bit differently and I think it looks really good.  I told her so and we made out just a little bit before everyone came over.  What can I say, the lights were low, candles were lit, music was playing and we had nothing to do but wait on people.  And my wife was looking hot!

Everyone was here tonight except for Melissa Nicholson and Elliot Clark.  Elliot was out of town for work this week, and he will be next week too.  Melissa doesn’t like coming home in the dark by herself, which I can understand.  Kyle and Lorin live near her and Elliot and Kyle is more than glad to follow her home.  I reminded her of this in e-mail, but I never heard back.

Kimberly came, though Bryan was working tonight.  She’s pretty new to Wilmington, actually living in Hampstead and I think she goes to Jacksonville as much if not more than she comes here, and she got a little turned around leaving the mall.  I’d tried calling her but her phone died.  I was a little afraid that Amanda and I had scared her and Bryan off last night, but it turns out she was just lost.  But she made it, and that’s the important thing.

Small group tonight was a mix of everyone coming back together (Rob and Kristen hadn’t been here in a while) and everyone getting to know Kimberly, with a bit of discussion about last week’s message thrown in.  It wasn’t too focused, but with a new person in the group I didn’t expect that it would be.

Zach Dotsey