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No, we didn’t go to wither one of those.

Amanda and I spent the morning in the yard.  I mowed while she went out and got some new plants and some breakfast then she came back and planted the new plants.  For breakfast she was planning on picking up some Chick-fil-A and was in line before 10:30, the normal cutoff time for fast food breakfast, but didn’t get to place her order until 10:35 and was told that they were no longer serving breakfast, which was pretty annoying.  So she went to Atlanta Bread.

After I mowed and while Amanda was planting her stuff I sprayed some weed killer on the lawn.  The bad thing about that is it seems like most of the green we have in the front yard is weeds.

Once we’d finished up with all of that Amanda and I went to the beach.  We were going to pick up Michael, but he’s had trouble with his cell phone and it’s been worse lately.  It won’t hold a charge and he has to hold it a certain way for it to charge up, so he went by the Alltel place to see about a replacement, but the cheapest was like $130 or so, which he didn’t have to spend.  Fortunately Phil, his dad, whose plan he is on, is due for an upgrade soon, so Phil will keep his phone and let Michael get a new one.

So we went over to Anna and Barry’s, stopping off to get some suntan lotion on the way since we had about run out.  I opted for some spray lotion which, thought it’s cold, seems pretty effective, not to mention a lot faster to apply.  We talked to Anna and Barry for a bit once we got to their place, long enough for Michael to catch up with us there and eat a burger he got from McDonald’s on the way over.  Anna got Michael and me to carry an end table downstairs.  She was overly thankful- it wasn’t too big a deal.  (Not complaining about her thanks- just trying to point out how little a deal it was to do.)

The beach was windy and, despite the sun, a little chilly.  We stayed long enough for me and Michael to play three games of Bocce (he won the first, I won the last two) then we headed on back.  On the way out there I saw that a new Dominoes Pizza was offering a large one topping pizza for $3.99 and had it in my head to get one for dinner, so Amanda and I stopped and picked that up.  Michael was at the house by the time we got back and had a couple slices too.

We played basketball and he beat me at a game of HORSE.  I won one too, but I can’t remember now if we played one in between or not and who won it.  If so, it was probably him as my shooting was atrocious to start off.  We played 21 also, and I won one.  I think we played two and he won the first.

Adam and Renee had invited us to go see Prince Caspian with them, but that’s when we were on the way to the beach.  They also went to the Greek Fest, which is held every year, but when they called for that we were about to start a game of Settlers of Catan so we played that twice.  The first game was a really good one with all of us getting our fair share of resources.  I won that one.  I won the second game too, although I thought I got messed over early on.

Ben and Jessica Lambeth called before we played with ideas on what to get Amanda for her birthday since they’re coming to visit next weekend.  They asked if we wanted the real version of Settlers of Catan, but I mentioned it to Amanda and we both decided we were pretty attached to our homemade version.  I mean, we’ve definitely gotten our $17 worth.  Jessica called me back after that and kept asking, "Do you have or do you want…" and she would name some object.  She started getting a bit random with it, as she mentioned an umbrella.  I think she was just naming whatever she saw.

Zach Dotsey