There was a bit of work today, which I had to balance out with tying up a few loose ends in getting ready for our trip to Kentucky. I had to go to the bank and I had to pick up a power converter (okay, I didn’t have to do that, but I want to be able to use my laptop in the van and it doesn’t hold eight hours of charge). I also had lunch at Subway with my brother-in-law, Michael Mercer, just because I won’t see him for a week or so.
Amanda was let off work early so she came home and put the finishing touches on getting ready to go. We’d already packed last night, so we just had to break down Harvey’s cage, get him ready for Don’s and load up the car. My brother, Adam Dotsey, and Renee Sikes, his fiancee, came and loaded stuff up from their car to ours, including their Papillon, Dobja, and their cat, Tchalla. T’Challa was in a cage, so we were packed pretty tight heading over to Don’s. Amanda was driving, I had Harvey’s bed and supplies along with our Chihuahua, Bruce, on my lap. Harvey was in the back with Adam, Renee and Dobja, with T’Challa in a cage in the middle.
When we got to Don’s Amanda and I took a tour of his house to make sure it was as Harvey-proof as possible. I think Harvey will have fun staying with Don. He has an obvious love of dogs and is a very outgoing, active person. If we ever had to give Harvey up I couldn’t really think of a better person to give him to. Don loved dogs and has fostered them before, but he has to travel and stay out of town quite a bit with his job, which is why he doesn’t have one.
Oh, I forgot to mention in all this that my baby sister, Andra Sawyer, called and told me she’s having a girl. I’m very happy for her because that’s what she wanted, but Amanda and I were hoping it would be a boy so we’d have a chance to have the first something on my side of the family.
I got Amanda a small potted rose bush.
Anyway, we headed from Wilmington to Rougemont. Amanda started off driving but only went halfway and switched when we stopped to get some BoJangle’s dinner, citing her inability to drive and eat a biscuit at the same time. Bollocks. We stopped by Aunt Reggie’s place in Durham to drop off T’Challa. It was the first time I’d been there in years. We had to turn around after dropping off the cat because Aunt Reggie told Adam she’d left out some rodent poison.
Jackson greeted us as we pulled up the driveway in Rougemont. Adam had bought him these little figurines of Iron Man and Thor. We unloaded the car and put most of the stuff in the van my parents rented then went inside to play with the action figures. A little later Adam and Josh set off a bunch of fireworks.
Zach Dotsey