Happy Halloween! It seems to have snuck up on us this year- we didn’t even carve a pumpkin, which we have enjoyed doing every year we’ve had a house.

I was talking, well, IMing, with my boss, Scott Hendrix, towards the end of the day about his girls. Ava, his younger daughter, was going out as a monkey. His older one Addie, is going as confetti. I can’t want to see what a little kid dressed as confetti looks like.

Aunt Robbie called to check in and see how Amanda was doing with the baby. She also gave me her Obama endorsement. I told her still hadn’t made my mind up 100% of the way, but assured her that I’d make an informed decision.Zach Dotsey › Edit — WordPress

Amanda picked up $15 worth of candy on the way home. Last time we states home and handed out candy we ran out and had to get more. This time we had maybe eight visits, so now we’ve got a bunch of leftover candy.

Nick and Amy Warkentien had gone to Trunk or Treat and came by the house afterwards. Amanda and I were watching Ghost Hunters Live, which they’ve done every year for the past few years, so they joined us in watching it. There were a few really good spots on it, like a voice and a collar being tugged on. You could actually see the collar move with nothing touching it, which was pretty cool.

We looked up a couple stories on snopes.com too. We looked up the Three Men and a Baby ghost, a few Disney urban legends and the Wizard of Oz hanging.

Look in the window as they go from right to left.

Zach Dotsey