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Amanda and I started today off like most every other Sunday by heading to Port City Community Church for the 8:30 service.  I wonder if we’ll still be able to go that early after the baby comes.

We saw with Amy Warkentien and her family today.  Nick Warkentien, being a staff member of the church now, works each Sunday.  Amy’s family was heading back home after the service.

We went home after church (with a quick stop at Lowe’s Food) and didn’t do much of anything for a while.  Eventually Amanda decided to go get some things to make some blueberry muffins and I was going to put away the clean dishes when I got a call from Barry Frazelle informing me that the waves were decent, so I had to drop the household chore and head out for some surf.

I let Michael Mercer and Lars Boscaljon know that they should both head out surfing and Lars met me out there but Michael had a friend, Sarah someone, coming over.  At least his excuse wasn’t football this time.  I think he really would have come out if he hadn’t already had plans though because I’m pretty sure he’d like to try out his wetsuit.

Speaking of which, today was my first time surfing in a wetsuit.  It was cold enough that I wore my booties too, and Barry had some gloves for me.  It felt really cool first walking into the water with it on.  You really couldn’t feel anything at first, but then the water slowly seeped in.  Thing is, your body warms the water, so it’s really not that bad.  I wasn’t at all cold. The only complaints I could register were when I’d get hit in the face by a wave or I’d have to duck under one.  If I had to go under two in a row I felt like I’d gotten ice cream induced brain freeze for a bit, which wasn’t fun.  Overall though, having a wetsuit rocked.

Oh, and it rode up my crotch a little, but not nearly as bad as the spring suit.

I got caught in a set heading out whereas Lars found a sandbar and walked most of the way out past the breakers (being 6’7″ didn’t hurt with that), but I eventually got out.  The tide pulled me and Lars down the beach pretty fast so that we had to head in to avoid getting too close to the pier.  I caught a decent wave heading in after a few failed attempts prior to that.  I tell you one thing, between the cold water wax and the booties it was hard to move my foot once I planted it on the board.

Lars and I headed down the shore and got back in.  I had a much easier time getting out that time.  We talked for a while then I eventually caught a pretty decent wave and decided I was done for a bit.  I hadn’t surfed in probably a month or more and I didn’t feel like fighting to get back out.  Lars was out shortly after and we discovered that Barry had gone in a while ago.

Lars and Kaitlyn aren’t getting their house, by the way.  His job’s in jeopardy too, so pray for them.

After Lars took off I went back out on the beach with the entire Frazelle family and took some pictures of them.  I headed home after that and sat around for a bit while Amanda finished fixing the dinner.  The blueberry muffins didn’t turn out to somehow have very little taste, so we tossed them, which is a shame.

Nick and Amy came over around 6:30 and we ate baked mac and cheese, green beans and ham then watched Get Smart.  I’d woken up and got out of bed a little earlier than usual and went surfing during part of the time I’d planned on napping, plus I was pretty sore from paddling around with an extra ten or so pounds on me, so I dozed off during a few parts of the movie.

Zach Dotsey