I’m still sick.  My throat actually feels the worst it has so far, but I think it’s because everything’s draining, which is making me cough, which is making my throat worse.  I’m no doctor, so hopefully I’m right about all that.  Last night, in fact, I got into bed I think right at midnight.  At 1:00 Amanda asked (not impolitely) if I thought I’d be done coughing soon.  A few minutes later, not done coughing, I decided to go downstairs and sleep on the couch.  That’s not a terrible thing for me- I’m fond of sleeping on the couch.  Bruce followed me down a moment later and got under the blanket with me and Harvey came down too, plopping down on the other couch.  I felt bad for Amanda, that she had been abandoned thus.

One thing I remember feeling last night/this morning was a surrender about the coughing fit I was having.  I wanted to stop and to fall asleep, but it wasn’t happening.  I finally despaired of it, gave in to the coughing and figured if nothing else I’d just cough and cough until I was so tired that I just wore out and fell asleep.  I was out shortly after that.

Work was pretty busy today.  It mostly went by in a blur and for some reason I feel like I wasn’t even there all day, but I didn’t go out or anything.

After work Amanda and I went to small group at Elliot Clark and Melissa Nicholson’s house.  Mike and Kaitlyn Boscaljon were there, but Justin and Lisa Hauenstein were not.  Last week Lisa mentioned that she saw on here that I put something about them not being around due to her being ill, and sadly I’m going to have to do that again.  The poor girl’s now having some pretty bad back problems.  This has been a rough year for her, health-wise, and we all prayed for healing for her.

I think the discussion was pretty good tonight.  My voice wasn’t very strong but Elliot quickly volunteered to lead the discussion and I think he did a great job.

Elliot gave me a sadwich bag of vitamin C tablets as we were leaving.  If it were healthy to do so I could pop those things all day long, they’re so yummy.

In other prayer request news, we hope Mike finds a job soon, that the weather is decent for Mike and Kaitlyn when they go to visit their families, that Amanda and the baby stay healthy and for Rob and Kristen.  Rob and Kristen were founding members of our small group but stopped coming after everything fell apart for the summer.  We got news that they had split.  I’d been meanign to get in touch with them just to catch up and see how things were going for them.  I have no idea about any of the details of course, but I hope that if they’re meant to be apart that they’ll both take positives from their long relationship and heal in their own time.

Zach Dotsey