So how freakin’ cool is this Wolverine trailer?

Here’s an e-mail conversation Amanda and I had regarding it. I originally sent it to a few people.

Z: Didn’t know if any of you had seen this yet. Amanda, I know you’ll be right at 8 months at the time, but I think you’re going to have to indulge me in attending a midnight show for this one.

A: we’ll see when it gets closer to time. i’d have to take the next day off of work to survive the midnight showing…

Z: Suck it up.

A: we will see! i will be fat and probably exhausted…that’s 5 months away.

Z: I think we already knew this, but did you see who was playing Gambit?

A: i forgot about that…Riggins (Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights, played by Taylor Kitsch)

Z: Yup. From the trailer he looks like a pretty good one for it.

A: yes…he does look pretty good…really good!

oh i’m sorry, you meant good for the role…not his pretty face and hair. lol

My wife’s a funny lady.

I fell asleep watching an episode of Deadwood last night and ended up going upstairs around midnight I think.  Early for me.

This morning was somewhat busy at work, with a couple newsletters to work on, still helping work with one client’s e-mail issue and a bunch of little stuff that poured in.  I went out to eat with Peggy and Earl Lemons, Amanda’s grandparents, around 1:30 at Carolina BBQ.  Normally when they come in town we eat at the mall, but they were getting out of their appointment so late that I was the only person who could join them today, so I suggested we eat someplace on my side of town, since they had to pass near here anyway to leave town.  We were going to eat Subway but when I got there they decided on the Carolina BBQ.  It’s basically just a buffet of southern home cooking, and I was stuffed when I left.

After we ate I headed to where my brother, Adam Dotsey, works.  He had finished Fallout 3 and Michael Mercer had told me he didn’t mind if Adam borrowed BioShock, so since I was able to check my iPhone for e-mail and see that there wasn’t too much going on, I decided to drive down that way to make the exchange.  When I got there Adam showed me around his workplace a bit and introduced me to a number of people.  Renee Sikes, his girlfriend, was there too.  It felt sort of odd walking into an office like that.  Kind of reminded me of going to GTE with Mom back in the day.

I came on home after that and finished up some work.  Amanda stopped by Target on the way home and got back a little late, which allowed me some time to check out Fallout 3.  I stopped around 8:30, after she’d had a chance to watch Ellen and at least one episode of Days of Our  Lives before we watched Monday’s episode of Heroes.

She then went to bed, I finished up last night’s Deadwood, wrote all this down and now I’m going to continue playing Fallout 3.

I’m feeling much improved today, by the way and thanks for asking.  I felt great all day long, although I started coughing again towards the end of the night, which prompted Amanda to tell me that the thing I didn’t suggest doing tonight (but was going to mention) would happen tomorrow if my cough would go away.

Zach Dotsey