As you may have already read, Nick’s sister, Missy died today.  Amanda talked to Amy briefly.  They seem to be doing pretty okay.  I’m glad Nick was able to get back to Michigan in time to spend a little time with her before she passed, and I’m glad the poor girl is no longer suffering.

Amanda, Milly and I slept in until about 10:00 this morning, then Amanda worked on baby shower thank you cards (better late than never, right?) while I mowed the lawn with the new lawnmower, which did a fine job.  We showered while Milly napped then I decided to go back outside and clip some bushes and limbs then spread some fertilizer and grass seed that Karen had gotten for us a while back.  After that I turned on the sprinkler (which Karen also bought us).

Amy Farmer came by to see us today.  She’d gone to the beach with Tiffany Rhodes and came by afterwards to visit with us and to meet Milly.  I think she misses seeing/talking to Amanda as much as they used to.  They were friends in high school (and middle school?) and were roommates during part of the time Amanda and I were dating.

Amanda’s mom, Karen Mercer, came to town today.  She was bringing something or other for Michael, and when she finished with that we all went to eat at Brixx.  Everyone came back to our house and Karen left soon after.  I showed Michael how to use Photoshop so he could make posters for the shows he’s promoting.  He was a good student.  This is what he came up with under my tutelage.

Zach Dotsey