I’ve been listening to Christmas music on Pandora lately, and this morning Christmas Canon Rock by the Tran-Siberian Orchestra came on as I was dancing with Milly to Christmas music.  Now, I have to admit that I’ve always been a little emotionally susceptible to Pachelbel’s Canon in D and many of its various incarnations.  Anyway, I was dancing with my baby girl (really just holding her in my arms and swaying around a little) and she was grinning at the Christmas tree.  Writing it down it sounds like that’s really all there was to it, but it’s an image I think will always be with me, seeing the profile of her big cheeks and an open-mouthed grin on her face as we were dancing and listening to Christmas Canon.

I’ll post a video of the song below, but dancing Christmas lights don’t do any justice to the emotions I was feeling.  It was just a very special moment to me.

Amanda and I were both busy today.  Amanda was working on Christmas presents after she got home from work then made enchiladas for dinner.  Usually for me at work things are so slow right around this time of year, but right now things are really hopping.  Most of today was spent putting the finishing touches on the formatting of one site and I kept trying to make time to work on the mockups of another one, but I haven’t been able to make as much headway on that as I’d like because of minor updates that keep coming up.  Not that I’m complaining!

In other news around the household, we kept smelling cat pee upstairs and discovered that Cobb has now peed in the bed we got for him!  Our guess is that he did it because Bruce liked to go in it and would sometimes even spend the night in it.  It was saturated, too.  We’ve got one dog bed left, that being the first one we ever bought for Bruce.  I guess we’re done buying those for a long time.

There’s a rumor on a website that Duke player Olek Czyz will be transferring before the season is out.  If it’s true it’s a shame- he seems like a pretty funny, affable guy.  He actually started a game at the beginning of the year so it seemed like he might get more playing time, but he’s disappeared into the bench quite a bit since.  If it’s true I wish him well, but hate that Duke will have yet another transfer.  Then again, it does open up a scholarship.

Zach Dotsey