With all the other Milly stuff I listed yesterday, I forgot to mention that Milly started climbing on the steps.  She got up two of them, and then I guided her back down.  She got down the first one fine, but then she must have gotten impatient or something because she tried to dive off the next one.  Of course, I was right there and didn’t let her fall.

Today she went from one side of the room to the second or third step before we knew what had happened.  I got her and it was a little amusing, but we definitely need to put a stop to that.  We’ll be buying a baby gate in the very near future.

I fell asleep on the couch last night reading Love & War by John and Stasi Eldredge, which is the small group study we’re starting.  We had, I think, a really good discussion on it tonight.  I don’t know that it was absolutely necessary to have the book, the guide and the video, but I think reading through it and discussing it with Amanda will be a good and helpful thing.

Kevin came over to go through some ideas for his new website, which should be a good one.  We ought to be finished with it pretty soon.  Milly cried as soon as she saw him.  I don’t know why, but she really doesn’t like Kevin Millard, yet he’s such a great guy.  That might be an issue if she and Maggie become good friends.

Zach Dotsey