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Milly’s already having a rough night.  She woke up at about 10:00 as Amanda was getting ready for bed.  I looked in on her and she was fine- she just didn’t want to go to sleep.  She would lay down on a pillow we have on the floor though, so eventually I put the pillow in the crib and she seemed satisfied.

Unfortunately she was not satisfied.  She was up again less than an hour later.  Amanda went in with her for a few minutes then I took over, although Milly didn’t want me to at first.  She was hugging Amanda pretty tight and probably figured (rightly) that I’d put her back in the crib again.  We hung out for a but until she was calm, then I put her down again.

Once again, Milly was awake in less than an hour.  Fortunately, I had just finished putting clean sheets on the guest room bed.  Amanda is in there now and I will be joining her shortly.

Not too much to talk about regarding the rest of the day.  I didn’t take Milly for our usual walk since she was still sick today.  She was pretty good this morning, but she was pretty fussy this evening until I offered to give her a bath.  I tell you, as soon as I said the word bath she made the sign for it and took off for the stairs.  As soon as I opened the baby gate she started saying “bye bye” to her mom and began crawling up the steps.

Zach Dotsey