Milly was fun this evening. Amanda was watching TV and I was playing on the Xbox, so she went back and forth between us. She’d sit in my lap while I played and watch (so I made sure not to do any of the violent stuff in the game). She also brought me Snuggle Puppy, a book she likes with a little song in it. She would say “puppy,” then go “oooo,” which is part of the song. I’d sing it to her then then she’d kiss me towards the end of it, just like Amanda and I do for her (as prompted in the book). She’s so smart!
Milly was much better today in not clinging to me so much. I got her up, fed her and put on a Baby Einstein video for her and her Nana got up while she was watching that, which allowed me to slip to the office. They played for a while then Karen left after putting Milly down for her nap. Amanda came home and got Milly then met Karen for lunch at Brixx (as Karen was doing some shopping while she was in town). I didn’t have a lot to do, but I was able to work in peace all day.
Amanda and Milly had left some of Milly’s Mega Blocks (the giant Legos) at Brixx, so I went out later and picked those up. I also spent my Best Buy gift card on a year of Xbox Live. It’s $15 cheaper to buy it there than to sign back up online. I might wait until I beat the single player mode of Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood before I use it though.
I think Harvey ate most of a box of crayons today. I found the nub of a yellow crayon near him and we couldn’t find the rest of them. Milly had been playing with them earlier (which means putting them in containers and taking them back out, as opposed to using them to, you know, color or draw), and we had forgotten to put them up.
After Milly went to bed Amanda and I watched The Soup. Pretty low key day, all in all. Amanda’s hand seems to be doing better, though it’s still hurting some and still bruised.
I started Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood last night (and will be playing it some more in a minute). It picks up not a moment after the end of Assassin’s Creed 2, but man, the short-term aftermath is really a bummer. Here you’ve gone and done all this hard work, built up your family villa into a thriving town, making all kinds of money and using great weapons and armor, then BAM… it’s all gone when your town get sieged. Poor Ezio.
Zach Dotsey