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We didn’t do much with the potty training today.  Amanda has been a little sick the past few days and didn’t feel like having to keep track of a naked baby peeing on the floor all day, and I was ridiculously busy with work.

On top of the updates I mentioned working on yesterday, I also had someone who needed to import some info into a database. but we kept not getting it in quite the format we needed.  I eventually solved that, but then we ran into an issue where his email wasn’t receiving a newsletter he needed to proofread before sending it out to a bunch of people.

I didn’t even get to start on the aforementioned other updates until very late in the day and didn’t even finish them until about 9:00.  I didn’t work straight though; Amanda’s mom came to help out and spend time with Milly and brought some Smithfield BBQ for dinner, so I took a break to eat that, and I took a break when Milly was going to bed to say good night to her.  Other than that though, yeah, I had a late night.

Amanda, though trying to rest, had a bit of a busy day herself.  She did some running around, picked up her Sanuks from the mall (they were out of the ones she wanted when she returned the ones she got for Christmas and had just recently gotten them in) and made cupcakes for her brother’s birthday party tomorrow.

Joel Kay talked to me yesterday about getting back on P90X and followed up with a text today, so I decided to go ahead and do that tonight.  After working, I didn’t really have anything else to do, and if I’m going to do it, night time seems to be the only real time I have available to do it, so why not start?

I did decide to have a beer after having a stressful couple of days though, and I wish I hadn’t.  It really weighed on me even in the warmups.  I did a terrible job, too.  I didn’t even finish the last few exercises because I was feeling nauseous.  On the plus side, I did track how many of each exercise I did, so at least I’ll be able to see my progress from here on out.

Zach Dotsey