I was sitting at Milly’s table with her this morning while we were eating cereal. She was mimicking me. I would take a bite, put my spoon down and cross my arms while I was chewing. She crossed her arms too. I don’t really recall her doing that before.
Karen took Milly to Learning Express today and got her a book (Barbie mermaids or something) and a little butterfly ring. I had lots of time to work, which was great because the work poured back in today. They also had lunch with Anna and Kirsten, who I hear has decided to move back home and wants to watch Milly again.
For work, I had tweaks for one site and got a lot of work done on another, got another waiting in the wings to finish up. Did some reading on marketing.
Karen brought us some beef stew for dinner. Amanda warmed it up when she got home and we ate it. Milly wasn’t interested in it. She doesn’t seem to be too into liquidy foods.
We had low-key family time. Watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, which Milly hasn’t watched much of in a while though it used to be one of her favorites. She used to love the Hot Dog Song so much. Amanda putzed around on the iPad and I played some Temple Run. Not too exciting, but we were all together and Milly and I did play some.
I’ve worked my way up to being able to do 20 Milly pushups, which are pushups with Milly on my back.
After Milly went to bed Amanda and I watched How I Met Your Mother. It was an episode where they have several things going on at the same time and keep going back to show different parts of it. I usually enjoy those, but tonight’s felt disjointed. After that we watched Fringe then Amanda watched a little bit of The Bachelor. I did a little more work when she went to bed and that’s where we are right now.
Zach Dotsey