I added a bunch of movies to my Netflix Instant Queue a while back. It’s a way to keep track of movies you see and want to remember to go back and watch them. One that I added was called Black Death. It caught my attention because the cover of it has Sean Bean holding a sword. The description made it almost sound like a Middle Ages thriller/mystery, so you combine those things and it’s one I was definitely interested in. Anyway, I watched it tonight. I won’t say it’s my favorite movie of all time, but it’s a period piece with action and gore and a bit of mystery, so I was entertained.
Milly woke up early today, but then went back to sleep or something and let me and Amanda stay in bed until 8:40. When she did get up for good, I turned the doorknob to open her door but then hid in the bathroom and watched her walk into our room and go up to Amanda, who was still in bed. That was somehow funny to Milly.
I spent a lot of time working on internal matters today, most notably getting my Facebook page up and running. I finally got it to a place where I’m pretty happy with it, so I sent out a bunch of invites to it.
I also took a courtesy van to pick our car from having a little maintenance done on it. It was covered by the warranty, which was great. There’s also a place on our passenger-side mirror where the paint is chipping off that we’ve asked about before. Apparently it’s been too long to get the person who usually does it to replace it, but the dealership, Bob King Volkswagen, said they’d take care of it, which I was very happy about.
Other than all that, Amanda and Milly went to the park with the entire Warkentien clan. Amanda made spaghetti for dinner.
A while back, Amanda picked out a bed that she liked for Milly that her dad was going to make. Karen found one similar to it today though, so she bought it. She or Amanda found that it retailed for at least $1300. Karen bought it for $75. It’s a bunk bed with a castle facade, some nice shelves and the like.
Oh, I went for a jog this evening. Milly said she’d ride in the stroller and go with me, but we made it to the cul-de-sac and as we were coming up on the house she told me she wanted to hang out with Mommy, so I pushed her back up there and rang the doorbell then left when I saw that Amanda saw me. My right knee was really bugging me today. I got the first mile down and tried to do a little running after that, but it wasn’t happening. I did make myself walk fast though and I ended up with my fastest pace. I guess it’s because I was walking fast the whole time, whereas I usually don’t worry about how fast I walk on my walking stretches. I still did two miles though.
Milly was very playful tonight. She wanted tackles and had me or Amanda tickle her then called out for the other one to save her.
After Milly went down to bed Amanda and I watched our NBC Thursday night shows. Amanda went to bed after we finished them at 9:30. She’s thinking she might be getting sick. I hope she’s not.
Zach Dotsey