We were joined at church today by Anna and Barry as well as Michael and Jenn to listen to guest speaker, Mr. Leland Pastor himself, Jeff Winchester.  I got to know Jeff a little when he was in charge of the People Care team and I really like the guy.  He’s always great to listen to, self-deprecating as he is.

After the service Amanda, Milly and I went to get biscuits from McDonald’s for breakfast (for ourselves and Michael and Jenn), fueled up then met back up with Michael and Jenn at our place.  We let the dogs out for a bit and grabbed a few things then we all headed out for Richlands.

I should note that since we took Harvey’s crate down, we were showing a great amount of trust in him.  Where Bruce hasn’t chewed anything (aside from trash) since the time he chewed some of Amanda’s Rainbows and she smacked him with it, Harvey has a less stellar track record.  He’s eaten a purse and torn up a few other things when we’ve left him out for too long.  We did pick up a bit before we left to try to minimize his temptation, and we didn’t see any evidence of anything having been chewed when we got home, so that’s good.

Anyway, we went to Richlands to celebrate Karen’s birthday.  We got her a picture book from Shutterfly of time Milly has spent in Richlands.  It’s mainly made up of a visit to Mike’s Farm, but also has some pictures of playing with cattails in front of the house and her sitting with Karen by her fishpond out back.  Michael and Jenn got her flowers to plant.  Peggy and Earl, who showed up for lunch, got her a card and a check I think.  I’m not sure what Phil got her.

Lunch was outstanding.  I guess you could call it lunch, though it was late and more like a dinner.  I guess that would be a supper?  Ribs, baked mac & cheese, green beans and rolls with Rice Krispie treats instead of cake.  I had one before we ate, not realizing that’s what they were for.

Amanda and I had negligently forgotten to bring a paci and blanket for Milly, so she and Earl went to a store to get a pacifier and Karen found a blanket for her that used to be Amanda’s.  She didn’t sleep anyway, but it helped her when she got fussy.  Of course, with Michael and Jenn in the backseat there and back again, she was kept pretty entertained.

Speaking of getting fussy, Milly washed her hands and put them in her eyes, but the soap turned out to be hand sanitizer instead of soap, so her eyes kept stinging.  She was not at all happy about that.

I knew before we left for the day that Amanda wasn’t feeling well so I resigned myself to driving there and back.  Michael remembered about ten minutes into the trip back that he’d left his wallet, so we had to turn around to get that.  It wasn’t a big deal and he apologized profusely, but it was one of those things where… I don’t know.  It’s a thing you’ve set out to do that you really don’t feel like doing, then you have to double back and do it all over again.

When we got home Milly got to show Michael and Jenn her new bed.  I realized what time it was and went downstairs to turn on the Duke game at Boston College.  the Eagles started out hitting five of five and Duke started out slow as they tend to, but the final score was a not-at-all-surprising 75-50.  Mike Gbinije actually got to play some and had a nice dunk.  I was pretty irate about a hit Miles Plumlee got across his face that wasn’t called.  It wasn’t intentional, but it certainly looked like a flagrant under this year’s rules.  It was early on in the game and left him doubled over after a scramble for a rebound and lead to an easy basket by BC.  Didn’t matter much in the long run, but still.

Amanda and I finished the night watching a pretty tense episode of The Walking Dead.  Looks like there’s a showdown a-brewin’ twixt Rick and Shane.

Zach Dotsey