We don’t normally put up decorations before Thanksgiving.  In fact, it was Amanda’s idea, but I thought it was a good one.  We both remember what a magical time Christmas was for us growing up and we decided Milly is probably at the age where it would be a big deal for her.

Milly helped a lot.  She helped Amanda put the tree together (yeah, Milly won’t know a real tree in her home) and put up a lot of the ornaments, though we had to keep her from clustering them all together.  She went up for a nap when we finished, but she told us not to take the tree down while she was resting.

Nick and Amy talked to us about going to see Lincoln today.  We scrambled to find a babysitter to watch all three of our kids, but we couldn’t.  Amy suggested doing a tradeoff, where we watch their kids while they go see the move and they watch Milly while we go see it, but we told Milly that we were going to put up Christmas decorations today, and that would have pretty much taken up the whole day.

Zach Dotsey