And today Milly went to the Warkentiens’.  Amy had sent me a text about it yesterday, but Amanda had already made plans for her to go play with Jacob and Emma Love.  So today it was Eli and Ada.

While I’ve got a bit going on, I wasn’t terribly busy today, so I played a game of disc golf with Reece this afternoon.  I also figured it would be nice to catch up with him.  He’s played a good bit more and gave me some pointers, and when I followed his tips, I immediately got better.  Not that I did all that well anyway, but it was an improvement.  We made it through 12 or 13 holes.

When I got home Milly wanted to throw some discs with me, so we did that.  I’d found a marker disc in Lexington that I told her I was going to give her, so it started with that.  It didn’t last too long, but it was fun that she wanted to play.

Amanda said Milly wanted Islands for dinner tonight, and I didn’t mind the idea, so that’s what we did.  Michael met us out there.  Milly wasn’t the best behaved though.  She ate all of her taco, but she was very fidgety for a while after that.

In fact, she’s been a bit fussy and whiny lately.  She’s still super sweet though.  When I was upstairs with her, putting her to bed, she told me I was her favorite dad.  I asked if she had any others and she said, “No, you’re the bestest dad.”  What a nice way to send her off to sleep.

Zach Dotsey