I had lunch with Mike Paschal at Pita Delight today. We talked about a number of things- business, family, the church. One of the things I thought was pretty cool was when we were talking about things on the PC3 website, I asked if they’d ever thought about adding something where people could donate money. He said that Mike Ashcraft, the preacher, was as against talking about money as he could possibly be, and specifically didn’t want that. He also said that people had asked Mike (Ashcraft, not himself) about doing direct deposit, but that Mike wanted people to go through the process of giving money so they’d have to think about it, not just have it deducted from their accounts without a second thought.
Paschal also said he was going to try to learn to do something new this year. I think that’s a good idea.
There wasn’t a whole lot else going on, except we had a client we haven’t heard from in probably half a year send us some info for the website we were working on for him.
Amanda came home and we watched Saturday Night Live (featuring Neil Patrick Harris), 30 Rock (with Salma Hayek) and The Soup on the DVR before watching new episodes of Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. After that Amanda watched The Bachelor. I know I say this a lot, but we watch too much TV.
At one point while I was poking Amanda’s belly in order to try to irritate my yet-to-be-born (unborn just sounds bad) little girl, I told Amanda and the two of them would probably have a lot of fights, and Amanda said she knew that. I asked her if that meant she’d thought about it before, and Amanda said she had, and that it’s just something that happens between girls. That’s a sad thing to me, to be looking forward to bringing this girl into the world, but to have a pretty sure feeling that you will, at some point, have some major friction.
We decided that our girl will have to be around Amanda’s cousin, Hannah Frazelle, as much as possible and more. Hannah is, and by all accounts pretty much always has been, such a good kid. She’s a great example of someone who can be fun and weird and crazy and happy all at the same time. I don’t think I can think of a better role model for my girl.
Zach Dotsey