Milly was fussy this morning before I was quite ready to get up, so I put her in bed with me until a little before 8:00 then went about the regular morning schedule.  She mostly did pretty good today, though she was a little fussy during some long calls.

Amanda got off work then we went to go have lunch with her family.  We met Peggy and Earl Lemons along with Anna and Hannah Frazelle at the mall.  Michael and Jenn showed up too, but not until Amanda and I were about to leave.

I had lots of work to do and will probably put in a few extra hours tonight.

Andra, Josh, Jackson and Addison came by our place after they went out to the beach.  It was the first time Josh got to meet Milly and he was really sweet with her.

They watched Milly while we went to a leaders meeting at church.  It was the first leaders meeting we’ve been to since before Milly was born.  The meeting was about the finances of the church, and they took questions right then and there.  It’s cool to be a part of such a transparent church.

After we got home we hung out with the Sawyers for a little bit then they headed back off to Adam’s apartment.  I wish I’d mentioned something to them about bringing their things over and staying tonight so they wouldn’t have to go all the way across town to Adam’s place since they’re staying here tomorrow night anyway.

Zach Dotsey