Milly pretty good today, which made my Monday a lot better than many of them have been lately.  Since the guest room still smells somewhat of cat pee, including (and probably mainly because of) the mattress, I moved Milly upstairs in our bed for her naps today.

The two designs I was working on last week are both ready to be made into actual websites.  I was planning on getting started on them today, but while Milly was good, I did still have her myself for a while, which hampered that some.  I was able to get a lot of other work done though, and I planned on working on those two sites after hours.

Amanda got home latish.  She went by Saltshaker to pick up the book we’re using for our next small group study, which is a study on Paul’s letter to the Romans.  She also picked a few things up at the grocery store.

Zach Dotsey