I have a problem when it comes to pictures.  See, I put just about every picture I take online for storage and sharing purposes then I put them on an external hard drive for local safekeeping.  So before I go through the trouble of backing them all up I want to make sure the picture has been tweaked, so usually I’ll adjust the exposure, remove some of the noise if there’s a lot, maybe add some black and some contrast and crop the picture some.  (Lightroom is the best program for that, and I thank Kevin Millard for introducing me to it!)

Anyway, because I like to fix up my pictures before I upload and back them up, I sometimes get a little behind on them.  I decided to take the night off from working late and worked on pictures going back to December tonight.  They’re in the process of uploading right now, and if I’m feeling really plucky over the next couple days I might go back and add some into older posts on here.  We’ll see.

Not a whole lot else went on today.  After Amanda got home I cashed a check from and shipped a Nike Cameron Crazies Duke shirt I bought last week for to guy from the message board I frequent.  We’d been chatting about Duke apparel and I’d told him if he told me what he wanted I’d pick something up for him the next time I could.

Milly’s adjusting to the new feeding schedule just fine.  She didn’t nap much this evening, but she seemed to be in a pretty good mood anyway.  Part of that is probably because we gave her a bath before feeding her.  She really enjoys bath time.

At one point this evening I let her stand at the corner of the pack & play, which is right next to Harvey’s crate.  She really enjoys standing up, and she really enjoys Harvey’s crate, so I watched her as she put her hands on the crate then looked like she was trying to drag herself over to it, because dragging herself is the way she’s most accustomed to moving around (though she is crawling more, which I think can be attributed to being on carpet as opposed to hardwood more now).  Anyway, she kept going on her tiptoes, but a few times one foot would lift off the ground, accidentally I think, and she’d move forward.  So she’s starting to walk with support.  She can stand unaided for brief seconds too.

Amanda and I got most of the DVR caught up.  After that she watched American Idol and I watched myself edit pictures.  She says she’s only planning on watching the auditions and today was the last day of that (I think), but the thing is you watch the auditions then you find a couple people whose stories you’re interested in so you want to see how they fare, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she watched at least a little more.  We both did a good job of not getting sucked in last season though.

Zach Dotsey