I had a meeting at 11:00 this morning. It was with a client who needs some annual updates and we were just discussing those. After that I met with Ben Lambeth, in town to close on selling his house, for lunch downtown at a place Amanda recommended called Hell’s Kitchen. She was right- their wraps are good and so are their fries. It was good to see Ben and spend some time with him.

Apparently while I was gone everyone decided to need a support issue taken care of, so I was pretty busy until about 6:00 or so with work.

I called Amanda while I was on the way to my meeting to make sure everything was okay with her and Michael. She said Michael was making strange noises around her (acting goofy) so that yeah, everything was fine. Her dad had called to check in on them too.

While I was driving home I was talking to Jason, and he said he finally heard something on the news about my mystery news story, the one about some South American countries and Iran. Apparently it’s not as big a deal as I thought from reading what I’d read, but it’s still a bit troubling, I think. Oddly enough, he said he saw something about it as I was driving past Elizabeth’s Pizza, which is where I saw the phantom story in the first place.
I finally got my hair trimmed tonight. I needed it done tonight because our small group is tomorrow and the next day we’re leaving early to go to my high school reunion. Northern High, class of ’96. I had Amanda cut my hair, figuring if she messed it up I’d just buzz it. Michael stood around laughing a bit at first, but she really ended up doing a nice job. I’ve seen little stuff here and there to trim up, but nothing major. I’m pleased with the job she did and, more telling, so is she.

I started watching Carolina play against nearly-undefeated Clemson, hoping it would be a pretty good game. Clemson decided not to make many of their shots (or so it seemed to me) and asa result they’re less nearly-undefeated after tongiht. I stopped watching at the half and started watching American Idol with Amanda. Michael flipped back and forth in his room. I fell asleep for large chunks of the show, but Amanda did wake me up for some truly horrendous auditions.

Amanda let me stay on the couch for a bit, and when I woke up to go upstairs I saw a note on my stomach that read “I love UNC.” Michael Mercer is a funny boy.

Zach Dotsey