I saw the band Of Montreal tonight at Cat’s Cradle in Chapel Hill (well, Carrboro). Barry had mentioned to me back when we went to the Arctic Monkeys show that he and Kirsten were going to another show, that I’d probably like them and that I should go. Well, I forgot about it until a couple days ago, when Barry said something to Amanda about it. I never heard anything by Of Montreal until he gave me a CD a few days ago.
Barry actually has a couple days of seminars to go to in Chapel Hill, so he and I rode together part of the way and Kirsten and her friend Ali followed behind. We stopped in Smithfield to get something to eat then we switched up and I took over driving for Kirsten. It was the first time she’d driven that much on a highway, or that far, for that matter. She did just fine, of course. Anyway, after the show, I drove the girls back while Barry stayed in Chapel Hill.
The show was amazing and weird. Amazing in its weirdness, I suppose. There were dancers/performers during most of the songs, but they were dressed in robes and gas masks or pig-headed masks, other odd things like that. Kinda freaky. The people were a bit odd too. I saw a guy dressed in a marching band uniform hanging out with the Phantom (purple tights and eye mask) and next to them was a girl with angel wings. There were others who were all dressed up strange too.
The band was really good, by the way. We only caught a couple songs from the warmup band, Noop D’noop, but we liked them as well. They were sort of a funky jazzy 70’s throwback. Very fun and high-energy.
Back at home, Milly had two firsts today. She clapped on her own and she climbed onto the couch. I was sitting on the floor and she was standing on my lap and was able to hike one leg up and pull herself up all on her own. It was probably a good 18 inches even after the boost she got from standing on me.
P90X today was Kenpo, which was a bunch of kicks and punches. It wasn’t the hardest workout, but it made me sweat more than any of the others. I did it this morning and Amanda did it this afternoon while Milly was napping.
I made a new hire for the company today, bringing on a guy named Travis to help out with the sales and design. I’m looking forward to getting him up and going.
It rained a lot today, and heavily. It was the first time I can remember seeing any standing water pool up in my yard.
Zach Dotsey