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Milly got to play outside a good bit today.  Amanda took her out when she got fussy in the afternoon.  When they walked out I had turned around to go back to the office, but Amanda said Milly had reached up to take my hand and I wasn’t there.  She went over to me and latched onto me, so I walked out with them for a minute until Amanda was able to distract Milly by showing her a butterfly.

Kimber, Milly and Kenzie on a WalkLater in the afternoon, after I’d finished working, I took Milly outside again.  (She’s starting to say “outside” decently well now.)  The girls across the street, Kenzie and Kimber, were just getting home, so Deanna, their mom, let them come over to see Milly.  They absolutely love Milly, particularly Kenzie.  She was holding Milly’s hand and walking her all over the place and trying to pick her up.  The four of us took a walk to the cul-de-sac and back.

As we were getting back, Amanda was taking off to go meet up with the small group girls for dinner at the Little Dipper.  They got some kind of deal on it, plus women eat for less on Wednesdays, or something like that.  She was gone until a little after 9:00.

When Milly and I got back in the house it was almost 6:30, a bit after her dinner time.  She picked out a yogurt, but only ate a little of it.  I kept asking her what she wanted and we settled on a pancake.  She’s able to eat a (dry) pancake all by herself.  She’d done good so far not choking herself by stuffing her face too much.

After she ate we just hung out a bit.  She played around with some books and such (she likes to “read” them to me) and I put her to bed at 8:00.  I just played around on the computer a bit until Amanda came home.  I didn’t really have any work to do and I’ve finished up some outline work for a website idea I had.  I sent it to Scott and have just been waiting on him to have time to look over it in detail.

Zach Dotsey